We are very lucky to have dozens of Saguaro Cacti in our yard that cover all age groups from ancients who have obviously been standing sentinel for several hundred years to tiny little babies that are still hiding from the sun under their nursery plant. There are only a couple of the Saguaros that we have given names to, so far - I know it sounds a little odd to give them names but they are all so unique.
There is a young one close to the back of the house that is very chubby, that became Cartman! Right outside the dining room is a very old one that bears the scars of many woodpecker inhabitants that has been christened Madala (an African term of respect for an older man) and next to it, growing up in its shadow is one that is probably only about fifty years old, that has become Junior.
And then there is Adonis, a saguaro that stands alone, further up the yard. It is quite magnificent, so perfect that it looks almost more like a model of a saguaro than the real thing!

Unlike some of the mature saguaros that are pockmarked with dozens of woodpecker holes, Adonis has only one or two to spoil the perfection. The limbs are straight and strong.

And it looks splendid no matter which angle you look at it from.

And like all top models, Adonis is very smooth. All those unsightly spines that younger cacti have to deter predators are gone to leave a perfectly smooth physique that will stand any number of close-ups!

And as the desert sun begins to set the beautiful Adonis is lit up to perfection.

What a magnificent specimen!

Nature Notes hosted by Michelle at
Rambling Woods.